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An Act Of Condemnation

We are so young, and so broken, So damaged and sometimes so unspoken. Building walls around, waiting for someone to break them down, But wearing our emotions right above us like a crown. Waiting on someone to love us, give more love than we could give ourselves, But we pack people in chapters instead and keep them on our bookshelves. We try to correct our mistakes, by visiting those chapters time and again, Hoping we don’t disappoint the next one so that their efforts don’t go in vain. We prefer not to trust again, thinking it a blessing, But is it really one? Or is it just a pure act of condemnation? Pushing people away, we make them suffer in silence, We doubt the ones we have never even met, isn’t that a violation to kindness? You let emotions run through your eyes, even when you have someone to hold your hand, They are screaming to tell you that they love you, and tell you “hey, it’s alright” Give them a chance, let them wipe away your te...

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